What is Trauma Sensitive Yoga and Why Should I Try It?

We sat down with Nicole D’Souza, MSW RSW and TCTSY Yoga Facilitator to learn all about the world of TCTSY, the individual classes she is offering as well as the upcoming 8 week program with her!

What is Trauma-Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga?
TCTSY is an evidence based clinical intervention, specifically for people with complex trauma

  • It uses a hands off approach - meaning no physical assists from facilitator

  • Encourages exploration of your own shapes - choices to decide how you would like to move

  • It is adjunctive with talk therapy

  • It has its foundations in trauma therapy, neuroscience and based in Hatha Yoga

Furthermore, Trauma-Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga is centered on its five core principles, which are:

  • Invitational Language - each cue is preceded by an invitation, to focus on experiencing the body in a safe and present way

  • Choice Making - the choice begins whether to do the movement or not, in order to focus on creating embodied choices

  • Interoception - this encourages you to be present in the moment, not thinking about feeling, but truthfully feeling

  • Shared, authentic experience - a safe space is held by the facilitator and those practicing, with the understanding that there is no right or wrong in TCTSY

  • Non-coercion - an environment is created to support re-discovery and empowerment of those who are practicing

What is the difference between TCTSY and Regular or Trauma Informed Yoga?
How a TCTSY class looks different from a yoga class: having no hands on assistance, the facilitator does not walk around the class, there is less direction in regards to what the form looks like and less focus on holding and maintaining a form.: having no hands on assistance, the facilitator does not walk around the class, there is less direction in regards to what the form looks like and less focus on holding and maintaining a form.

Trauma-Informed Yoga requires no mandatory training nor does it have a regulatory body. As a result, this term can be used and classes can feel different (ex. some may involve hands on assists)

TCTY facilitators complete a 300hour training program for 6 months that involves supervision and learning about the structure of the program and focusing on trauma theory, attachment style, neurobiology.

Another difference is that as Nicole is a Registered Social Worker, TCTSY with her might be covered by some benefits providers, so be sure to check with your provider.

Have there been studies on this approach?
Yes, there has been evidence based studies primarily with folks who have Complex PTSD

What is involved from me when I sign up for a class?
Once you sign up for a group or individual class, you can expect to do a brief intake of generic information with admin. You will then be scheduled to have an intake with Nicole where more information about the program will be discussed, as well as answering a few more questions around prior experience with yoga or movement and triggers.

Why do I need a therapist or other professional to take part in the program?
The classes focus on being in the present moment and noticing sensations in our body , such as where you might notice a movement. There is no debrief around what emotions or thoughts came up for participants during the class, as we want to stay in the present. TCTSY recognizes that having a place to share any emotions, experiences or thoughts is important and having a therapist can be helpful to share these experiences.

Why is the cost more than a yoga class?
The cost is higher than a yoga class as this is a clinical intervention and not a fitness class.

Do I need previous experience in yoga?
There is no previous experience needed. This clinical intervention is for any level. The goal here is not to master yoga form but rather to explore sensations and stay in the present moment.

What if there are certain movements I don't feel comfortable doing?
During the intake, this question will be addressed by Nicole so that she is aware of this before classes start. During the class there is always choice making for participants to choose how they want to move.

We hope to see you there! In order to learn more about Nicole, click here. To register for either group or individual TCTSY, please click here or call us and we will be happy to assist.